Friday, August 3, 2012

Counting Blessings

It's been one of THOSE days.  You know those days...when every time you turn around, something else seems to be falling apart. The days you fear that at any moment you may lose your sanity.

We've all had those moments, days, weeks. What do you do when falling apart is not an option - even though that option may seem most appealing?

When I experience bumps in the road I try to remember what I value - those things that are most important in my life.  What are those things?

  1. My family (my children and husband) are the most important people in my life - if they are happy, I am happy.
  2. If no one is on fire - chances are things will work out just fine - maybe not the way I'd like, but they will be fine.
  3. Things always work out the way they are supposed to - again maybe not the way I want them to, but the way they are supposed to.
  4. The smile on my children's faces makes my heart smile.
  5. Thinking positively can change your perspective.
  6. Doing kind things for people can be rejuvenating.
  7. Life is too short to dwell on any one thing.
  8. Someday I will miss my children being this age and long for it to return so it's best to find the joy in each situation.
  9. I have found a true partner in life who brings out the best in me while I bring out the best in him.
  10. My life is very blessed and to truly appreciate your blessings, you must also experience the bumps.
Some of these may be cliché but it works for me - keeps me grounded when I might otherwise lose it.  In the moment, I admit it's tough to rally the list of important things to the front of my mind - but every time I am able to overcome my frustration as a result of this list, somehow it feels like the bumps flatten out and I can sail a little smoother.

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