Friday, July 27, 2012

New Baby Must Haves

When you are expecting a child, advertisers suggest you need various items to make your baby comfortable, happy, and healthy while also easing your life as a parent.  I have see advertisements for products that are, in my opinion, not necessary to even create for the masses to purchase.  A few examples:
  • Walking Wings - a product to assist you in assisting your child as he or she learns to walk
  • Helmets - a product that protects the head while your child toddles around
  • Kneepads - a product that protects knees from the hazards of crawling.
It can be tempting to purchase (or want to purchase) everything that claims to make your child safer or your life easier as you prepare to navigate through the first year of parenting.  Who wouldn't want their child to never fall when learning to walk?  Who wouldn't want their child to never bump their head?  Who wouldn't want their baby's knees to remain unscathed?

There are many products on the market that, in theory, appear to be a must have.  As a parent you want the very best for your most precious creation - so it's reasonable to assume that buying some of these products would help you provide the best for your child.

Despite my attempt to register for products my newborn and I would use on our journey, inevitably there were items I registered for and received that - two children later - I never utilized.  Likewise I received items that I'd never heard of that proved to be extremely useful and I wondered why I'd never heard about them.

Below are the items I believe are helpful and would wholeheartedly recommend for every new parent:

  • Itzbeen - a timer that tracks all the necessities for baby in one place.  During the first week of a newborns life, parents have a plethora of things to track - length of time between feedings, number of wet diapers, what side the baby last breast fed on, etc.  This timer was a lifesaver for me - I was able to know at a glance what was going on with my baby and what I could anticipate next (feeding time, sleep time, diaper change).
  • Playyard/Pack n Play with a Bassinet and changing table attachment - creates a space to care for your newborn that is compact and convenient.
  • MyBrestfriend  - a breast feeding pillow that supports baby at the breast and helps make breast feeding easier.  This product helped me successfully breastfeed both my children throughout their first year.  I do recommend purchasing an additional cover because you will want to wash it when your newborn spits up (which is inevitable on a feeding pillow).
  • Breast Pump - if you work outside the home you definitely need to have a high quality breast pump.  While they can be rather pricey, the investment will save you time and frustration while you are pumping and save you money on feeding your child.  (Breast milk is free!)
  • Swaddler - makes swaddling your newborn quick and easy. 
  • Video Monitor - gives you the luxury of being able to see what your baby is doing.  This comes in especially handy when your baby begins to pull him or her self up into a standing position - if they cry out while in bed you can look to see if they are awake enough to be standing  - that's how I am certain my baby needs me versus just readjusting in the crib and making some noises. 
  • Infant Gas Drops - I have never come across a baby who doesn't get gassy and need something to help them with the gas.
Beyond the obvious diapers, clothing, bottles, etc - what items do you consider must haves for new parents?  Let's trade ideas here, post your comments.

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